
There's this dream...— As if waking up on the edge of an ocean, but instead of the sea and sky, it is an expanse of emptiness reaching far beyond the reach of any light. I cannot recall feeling anything beneath my fingers as I stand, except it is flooded with shallow waters that make a soft ripple with each and every step. Going forward, no matter how far, there is nothing and nowhere. Just.. and endless darkness.When I call out, I am met with an unsettling silence. I am not even sure my voice makes a sound at all.

skip story?


And yet, there is something familiar about it.This endless void, the unending journey. The deeper I go, the more familiar it seems. I find myself.. sinking. Water begins to rise. its blackened ink soaks into my skin and digs fingernails into the fabric of my clothes, pulling and pulling until everything is submerged.Panic and dread were things that I should have felt, once felt, but I am so used to this dream... this is simply just how it is. I sink to the bottom of its ocean; until my feet touch something that feels like... sand or ash. The water fades out like the tide, and I am left on the shores of a vast empty dune, but there is a light in the distance reaching into the sky. So I walk. and I walk. and I walk.The sand fades into a cold, burning metal. I am left in a hallway of seemingly endlessly towering, iron walls and at the end... A spiral staircase.This is.. a place that I have visited time and time again. A place I know.


I am home, I thought, and stopped in wonder at the thought. I am home, I am home.Now to climb.


  He was raised from the ashes of the abyss and set on the path of destruction. He was a paradox, a riddle, a black sheep in the heard of Hydaelyn. He was not vile, and he was not sweet.
He simply was.  


Jack | He/Him | Tired.

 rule 001. 

Zero-tolerance policy for bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, and racism.

 rule 002. 

I am 21+ and am most comfortable if my writing partners are as well. I am open to all types of RP, but I am most interested in dark/mature themes. Erotica will never happen in-game, but I am fine discussing it in discord.

 rule 003. 

Your characters are welcome to harm or attempt to kill Vivian. The results will most certainly vary! (All I ask is that you give me a heads up or ask!)

 rule 004. 

In regards to romantic interest. I am multiship. I have and will have more than one ship that are their own alternate universe. I am very selective.

 rule 005. 

That being said, I welcome any friendship/rivalry/enemy, etc. Any friendship with Vivian will effectively always be a slow burn, as Vivian is not an easy man to get along with or tolerate.

 rule 006. 

IC =/= OOC. Vivian is not a good or nice person. What Vivian says or does is not a reflection of me or an indication that I dislike you or your character.


DISCORD: ichorcoded


I am happy to do short-term / one-shots in-game, but anything longer will need to happen on discord (I apologize for the inconvenience). In that same vein, please be patient with me! I am a slow writer and enjoy doing other things in my spare time such as raiding and drawing!Outside of RP, Vivian is my Warrior of Light, and thus most of what I will write/illustrate for him on social media will be under that impression.All art posted on this carrd is by me unless otherwise stated.

personality A stoic man of few words and even less expressions (expect to see the same deadpan, even when he is being humorous). Though often associated with violence, Vivian does not act unprovoked.❝ Just because I did not react, does not mean I did not notice. ❞

 The Hollow Saint 

Here's a real question:
how have you survived this long when you're so violently self-destructive.

  •  name   Vivian Hallows.

  •  alias   Fray, The Black Dragon.

  •  age   old (appears late 20's)

  •  pronouns   he/him.

  •  species   miqo'te keeper. voidsent

  •  birthdate   08/28.

  •  sexuality   asexual.

  •  origin   Garlemald. 13th Shard

  •  location   limsa & ishgard.

  •  class(es)   multi.

  •  height   4'11"

  •  weight   124 lbs.

  •  strength   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  dexterity   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  intelligence   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  constitution   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  charisma   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤


  • Vivian is a non-op FtM transman (he maintains the body he was born with). He does not experience body dysphoria and is very comfortable in his body. He is still a man and will always present himself as such.

  • Lean, Athletic build. He's muscular, but only really noticeable when undressed or in skin-tight clothing.

  • Covered in freckles (face & body). He also has gold tattoos from his neck to his feet.

  • Multiple piercings down both ears. tongue piercing.

  • Both eyes are adorned a black sclera, with a white ring where the iris would be over his right eye, & his left iris a bright aetherial blue/green color. Eyelashes are white.

  • Half of his right ear torn off.

  • Prosthetic right leg (thigh down) & left arm (shoulder down).

  • Dark circles around his eyes, & looks like he hasn't slept in days. (He hasn't).

  • All his teeth are sharp in some capacity, but his canines are even sharper.

  • His ears & tail are quite big. His tail being disproportionately long & very fluffy (sometimes kept wrapped in red bandages or left free). He otherwise seems to have traits to suggest he is a Keeper.

  • Harbors a multitude of scars, most are hidden by the clothes he wears. Most obvious or visible is the one on his face; a deep, diagonal scar from the glabella to his jaw, a scar over his nose, and a big scar over his chest. As well as the burn scars over his right arm, shoulder and parts of his torso.

  • Two sets of horns rest on his head, and he is not likely to reveal where they came from. He can hide them sometimes with glamour, but they are always there and grow from his skull.

  • Born with snow white hair, but often dyed it a deep auburn until recently. All he will really say about the color is 'I'm old'.



  •  Severe PTSD 

  •  Suicide Ideation 

  •  Autistic 

  •  Aversion to Touch 

  •  Lacks Empathy 

  •  Sex Positive 

  •  Insomnia and more+ 

His aversion to touch comes from a hypersensitivity to it, and thus unwelcome or sudden contact will leave behind an almost lingering phantom feeling. However, on the complete opposite end of that, he also craves that feeling when it comes from people he trusts and feels comfortable around.His aversion to touch plays a very interesting role for him, as he willingly seeks out companionship in strangers to distract him of past lingering touches.. only to leave more on his skin that he later wants to get rid of.If he cannot sate his need to get rid of the phantom touches, he will resort to self-inflicted injury or find anything to cause pain.

 Little Quirks 

  • Vivian will often bow when thanking someone or as a way to say goodbye. This can vary from a gracious head-bow to partially bending his torso, and so forth.

  • Talks a lot with his hands, and more so when he is excited or enthusiastic about a subject. In a way, it is easy to tell his mood because of this. He will be more restrained and stiff when unsure or angry, and more fluid when relaxed or happy.

  • Addendum: another way to tell his mood is through the movement of his ears and his tail.

  • His tone is quite monotone & deadpan, even when he is being sincere. Also tends to pause in thought, and can sometimes feel as though one is talking to a brick wall because of it.

  • Can sleep anywhere. He tends to remain awake for days before eventually blacking out.


  • Vivian has a handful of mechanical inventions and companions.

  • Vehicle of choice is his Fenrir Motorcycle.

  • He likes animals & beasts more than people. Dragons especially.

  • He looks like a lightweight with alcohol, but he can drink most people under the table.

  • Vivian can play piano. This was something that he learned and practiced as a child due to his mother's influence, and though he is not often around pianos, he still remembers how to play.


  • Seemingly prone to sleepwalking; waking up in places that he did not originally fall asleep in. Though no one has ever actually seen it happen. That being said, Vivian tends to go for days without sleep before he just blacks out.

  • His strange aether often messes with the perception of those around him, causing him to get mistaken for a viera due to his big ears. This includes his choice of weapons; often appearing as scythes even when they are just staves.

  • Was mute for the first 20 years of his waken life.


  • Has a distinctly garlean accent mashup with limsan rogue tongue, but he often hides it and speaks very formally in most situations.

  • Wears a light blue crystal around his neck. Don't touch it.

  • Will wear masks and obscure glasses to hide parts of or his whole face.

  • Extremely reckless; feral in a fight. Wants to die, and thus holds no self-preservation for his life. Fate often has different ideas, however.

  • Vivian handles being healed aetherially and light magics poorly (aka, it does not work).


We just don't know what it does.

 passive: siphon 

Vivian passively consumes the aether of those around him.


To be disclosed.


To be disclosed.

 wasn't it supposed to be a beautiful place? 

this world. pretty and majestic from a distance, in a perspective.

28th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon— an abandoned child is found by Radha, a traveling alchemist. Knowing she does not have the means to raise a child of her own, she gives them up to Garlean, military couple: Regina mal & Leonidas van Cassius of the XIII Legion, where the child is taken and raised in Garlemald.They are given the name Vivian Cassius.A strange child with eyes like pools of ink and hair as white as fresh snow in Ilsabard with small horns protruding from their head, and not to mention a weird way of knowing things he probably should not. Both Regina and Leon knew these would raise questions they could not answer, and garner interest they did not want. Vivian is taught how to blend into the crowd and hide the features that would get him unwanted attention.Life is relatively quiet. Vivian is well loved by is parents, despite often absent due to their ranks, and is given everything he could ever need to grow up healthy and happy. When alone, he would learn and play music on his mother's piano, read any book within his reach and tinker with any machine and device he is allowed to have. His first invention is a music box.Eventually, Vivian is accepted into the Magitek Academy, and proves to be an excellent student among his peers. He does not make many friends during his time there, but did not seem to mind it that much. He graduates early with impressive honors.

what am i but a maggot among a colony of pre-programmed puppets
feeding off a carcass...

  • Vivian's very first mechanical invention is a music box. It remains in within his parents' posession to current day.

  • At the age of six(6), he creates Jenova, an amature AI recordkeeper and places her into a mechanical butterfly.

  • Music and playing the piano was a passion that rivalled even his love for engineering.

  • Vivian is born with some emblance of the ECHO, but neither Regina nor Leon understood what it did, but knew that it harbored a lot of negative feelings in the capital. Regardless, he is told not to speak of it.

  • At age fourteen(14), Vivian is accepted into the Magitek Academy for his proficiency and skills. Though he did not have the names like Scaeva or Garlond behind him, Vivian excelled in his craft and graduates with impressive honors.

  • One of Vivian's core projects at the academy was called Yggdrasil.

  • After graduation, he has a short stint as a medicus in his mother's unit, allowing him to learn basic and emergency medical procedures, as well as help him learn how to remain calm during a chaotic situation.

  • He is soon offered an engineering apprenticeship in the capital under the Royal Family science divisions. He was more than eager to accept.

  • Throughout his entire childhood and adolescent years, Vivian is mute. He never spoke a word to anyone outside of simple noises and chirps. (It is not until his early 20's that he says his first word and begins to speak).

 stripped of its innocence, it's raw, ugly mechanism... 

continues to feed on one another...

Times change.— While stationed with his mother as a medic, Vivian learns a wealth of medical & combat information and working under pressure. Due to his exceptional work and dedication, Vivian is offered an apprenticeship specializing in Engineering within the royal family. Or so.. that is what he is told.Upon returning to the capital, Vivian is seized and detained by the Imperial Army and sent to a research facility in Landis. Here, he would undergo a variety of experiments and testing (all primarily combat-oriented). Many of these attempting to find more ways to advance their use of weaponry, creatures, & super soldiers.Vivian's dormant ECHO would also become a source of great curiosity to the scientists that surrounded him. These things would reshape how the young Garlean would come to see the Empire; shaking his foundation in what he used to believe in.Vivian spends the next [redacted] years captive.

cold and blood thirsty.
the cruel ethereal continuous cycle of life and death...

  • Vivian learns the core of his combat knowledge through these vigorous experiments and stress tests.

  • How Vivian manages to escape is something he is not willing to indulge. Once out of Landis, Vivian finds himself Corvos and stowaways on a ship that sails him to Thavnairian. He is then picked up by Radha at the docks. Though he has no memory of her, she certainly remembers him.

  • He remains in Thavnair until he recovers just enough to travel (of course, not without mishaps.. such as a fire incident leaving a decent amount of himself severely burnt). He is secured a trip to Limsa Lominsa, and makes the journey there alone.

  • He is considered dead by the Imperial army.

 i hate it.. it's wrong... but i can't change it... 

i can't change anything...

FROM HERE— Upon reaching Limsa Lominsa, Vivian has no where to go, and no one to reach out towards. This is the furthest he had ever been from what he used to consider home, there is no going back. And so, he makes himself a place in the seaside city-state. He eventually joins the Dutiful Sisters, becoming one of their rogues. He remains with them for a couple years before parting ways (though told he was always welcome 'home').The young lad decides to take up the task of becoming a wayfaring mercenary; finding and hiring any misbegotten or ill-fated person he can find to join him. It is a rough start, to say the least, as Vivian was hardly a social or friendly man... but fate seemed to agree with his path and thus the Graveyard Shift is born.For the next several years, Vivian leads his crew across the continents and over the seas, accomplishing any job they are paid well enough to do.

  • Once he reaches Limsa, Vivian comes to the doors of the Dutiful Sisters of Edelweiss and while they agree to take him in with the proposition of making him a rogue.

  • He would spend the next handful of months learning the tricks and trades of their work. To present day, Vivian is still a rogue for the Dutiful Sisters.

  • Vivian would begin forming his crew through hiring ex-pirate Caliban & ex-songstress Yayoi. Later expanding with more former criminals or misfits of some kind.

  • As for his ECHO.. he makes little use of it. Preferring to pretend it never existed at all.

  • Lives currently between Ishgard and Limsa. The Graveyard Shift's base of operations are in Ishgard's Emperyum.



Did you truly see her? Or was it in a dream? There's an emptiness that expands when she is near. If you happen to see her.. the beast is either nearby or asleep. You better hope it is the latter...


Brother in Arms

An ex-pirate captain from Meracydia that got themselves arrested by the Maelstrom after setting off a trap meant for someone else. They are eventually bailed out by Hallows and became his second in command.



Once a songstress for the royal family in Sui-no-Sato, she was exiled and picked up by a Garlean vessel. She is inadvertently rescued by Caliban's crew, though it seems she did not really need it.


Local Grandpa

Once part of the Bozja Resistance, Folke had a reputation for his inhuman strength, able to lift the equivalent of two roe men as if they were nothing. Currently, he poses a much softer role; a pseudo father figure of the Graveyard Shift.


Hedge Witch

A mage with unknown origins. They are found by Folke some years before joining the crew, suffering with amnesia but showed a powerful aptitude for destructive magic. A little anti-social when it comes to social gatherings, but always warm.


Materia Master

A summoner with an unconventional method to calling upon aetherial creatures to come to his aid. With the use of Materia, he calls upon his EGI and amplifies that capabilities with the materia they are attached to.


Dancing Beastmaster

Sister to Baudouin. A fierce fighter as well as an elegance dancer. While not as proficient in magic as her other half, Dominique makes up for it with grace and raw strength. In her free time, Dominique likes to practice fencing.


Traveling Alchemist

A well traveled alchemist from Tural. Radha was initially the one who found Vivian as a baby and handed him over to the Cassius family. She is one of the few people that knows more about his history than anyone else.



Born in Thavnair, Valoran and his sister are your every day adventurers helping those in need when they could. A clumsy but charming man that would give the shirt off his back if someone was in need. This has gotten him into trouble a few times, but he is not one to give up so easily.


Sister to Valoran

A proud and fierce woman that takes no one's guff. Good luck winning an arm wrestle with VAnya, she will more like break her opponent's hand and the table before one can blink. Vanya helps traveling merchants and alchemists make it to their destination safely.



Legatus to the XIII Legion.
A very spirited man with enough energy to power a city. Skilled with a gun blade, he prides himself as a leader and a father. Despite his station, he has supported his son through the shadows.



Head of medicine to the XIII Legion, Regina is a strong-willed and dedicated woman to her profession, having worked hard to reach the rank she maintains. Unlike her husband, Regina is much more serious and stern. Much like Leon, she supports her son from the shadows.



A knight for the royal family.



A merchant that seems to have gotten himself into more trouble than he anticipated.



A powerful mage, capable of transcending the shards and beyond them.



An unsettling but familiar figure.

 For Hire. 

+ Leader of mercenary group known as the Graveyard Shift, Vivian and his crew can do a variety of work upon request (and proper payment). If one is in need of a bodyguard, bounty or treasure hunter, missing persons (or item), or even that of a morally ambiguous nature.+ Vivian is also a genius engineer, capable of crafting and repair of a wide range of mechanical and weaponized items such as magitek, weapons, prosthetics, robotics, and dolls. If someone is in need of some form of repair or deft hand to create something new, Vivian is a more than capable option.+ No prior relation needed. Can just walk up to him and ask to hire him for merc work or engineering projects.


+ Vivian is a Voidsent, though only recently made privy of this information about himself and is still learning about what this means for him. If this is a point of interest for someone to engage or antagonize, please feel free. This is not information Vivian gives away freely (and often times he will act a little apprehensive when recognized as such), but anyone with aethersight will be able to see, at the very base of it all, the void that is his own aether.+ Any relation to the 13th Shard may also be a point of interest.+ Contact with his blood can cause people to become sick or otherwise. Results can vary.


+ Vivian heals slower than what is considered normal for people around him (even without the help of healing hands), and those that are given the chance to try and heal him will find their magic considerably ineffective towards doing anything for his injuries or ailments.+ That being said.. he does always seem to heal up eventually regardless of the injury's severity, even those that should probably kill him.

 Dubious Medicine. 

+ If one is lucky or unlucky enough to drink one of his healing potions.. it might ring some curious questions about how it works and how it was made. Regardless, drinking these potions will have obvious regenerative properties that fit to even rival a skilled conjurers healing abilities. Those who drink it will feel revitalized with their injuries or ailments begin to alleviate.+ Potions are easily obtainable if your muse is a fighter at the Morgue.


+ Vivian grew up in Garlemald and attended the academy until graduation, as well as be apart of his parent's legion as a medic for a short while until he suddenly disappeared. It is not far fetched for someone to think they recognize him as a former classmate, soldier, or are aquainted with his family of high ranking.

Father: Leonidas van Cassius. Legatus
Mother: Regina mal Cassius. Head of Medicine

+ If your muse ever lived in Landis or Corvos, there is a chance to have spotted what looks like Vivian.

 Graveyard Shift. 

+ Vivian's crew consists of a variety of interesting individuals. Perhaps your muse has already met one of them. (Each crew member has their own existing character/alt on crystal or dynamis).

Kaine Caliban.
Yayoi Ajisai.
Folke Rannveig.
Magdalene Yisreal.
Baudouin & Dominique Vilauclaire.
And More +


+ Depending on how strong their aether-reading is at the time of observing him. On the surface, Vivian's aether looks like a black hole. As if he has none at all.

/Random 499 and below:
Basic aethersight. His aether is non-existent or like a black hole.
It smells like rain in a desert.
/Random 500 — 700:
/Random 701 — 899:
/Random 900 — 999:
Welcome to Wonderland.

+ People prone to aetherial sickness will find themselves comforted by his presence for some reason.+ Still a work in progress for rolls.


+ Skilled Fighter. Main weapons include a polearms and a steel chain rope, but he can fight just as well with his fists (and his teeth). If your muse wishes to fight him, antagonizing him is easy (or just simply ask for a fight, he will often be happy to oblige).+ Two prosthetics made of custom magitek. Left arm from shoulder down & right leg from thigh down. May be a point of interest or conversation.+ Classically Trained Musician.+ Isghard is Graveyard Shift's base of operations. Vivian is better known there as The Black Dragon or simply as Fray. Anyone who lives in Ishgard for long enough will be aware of him and his crew in some capacity.+ Takes in and cares for a variety of creatures: strays, dragonlings, smaller voidsent, & one moogle, etc. Vivian may sometimes show up to events with one of these creatures in tow.+ Keen interest in the occult. Will sometimes indulge in antiques, artifacts, or books pertaining to it.

 Where He Can Be Found. 

Queen's Claw: Owner.
The New Morgue: Medic/Part-time Announcer/Fighter.
Trionfi: Bartender.
Hydra's Whip: Announcer/Fighter.
Other: Limsa, Ishgard, Bars, Fight Clubs.

 Missing Persons. 

+ Want an NPC of your character's story to go missing (permanently)? Perhaps something can be done about that. Please acquire within!

